A list of all U.S. embassies and consulates can be found at www.usembassy.gov.
学生必须提供签证申请表(并附上相应的信息), non-refundable fee), their passport, an I-901 SEVIS fee receipt, 资格证书(表格I-20或DS-2019), 以及十大网赌平台的录取通知书, 并提供经济资助人(家庭)的原始文件, friends, organizations, etc.).
What to Bring With You to the Visa Interview
Required photo(s)
Proof of visa fee payment
SEVIS I-901 fee payment receipt
U.S. non-immigrant visa application forms
NJIT acceptance letter
Form I-20 or DS2019 issued by NJIT
Test scores and academic records
Proof of financial support
Evidence of ties to your home country
What you need to know
Financial certification
领事馆官员将需要与你的祖国有紧密联系的证据,比如家庭, business, or financial support in your country. 你必须证明你在国外有住所,并且你不打算在完成学业后离开.
Educational goals
你应该能够解释你为什么选择十大网赌平台,为什么你想在美国学习, instead of studying in your country. 要非常清楚你毕业后回国后的教育目标和职业规划.
Be clear
Your interview will likely be only a few minutes long; make sure you respond to questions in a clear and concise way, 为了给签证官留下好印象.
Leaving family behind
English proficiency
Visa denials and visa delays
The most common reasons for visa denials are:
If your visa application is denied, you will be able to reapply for a visa; however, 请立即与全球倡议办公室联系 global@faceoff-6.com so we can assist you.
由于许多不同的因素,签证延误可能会发生, including but not limited to: holidays, request for additional information, security clearance, etc. 我们建议你尽早申请签证. 学生可以在课程开始前最多申请120签证(请参阅您的I-20或DS2019以了解课程开始日期).
如果你参加交流访问学者项目,你需要获得J-1签证. Generally, 由政府机构赞助的学生或参加与十大网赌平台和国外机构的正式交流项目的学生需要J-1签证. 在某些情况下,J-1学生可能有一些要求,使他们无法留在美国.S. upon completion of studies.
Early Arrivals and Tourist Visas
DO NOT enter the U.S. as a tourist with a B-1, B-2签证印章或WT(豁免旅游),如果你是一个国家的公民,有资格获得免签证计划.
If you enter as a tourist, 你必须申请将身份改为F-1或J-1, in order to enroll as a full-time student. Unfortunately, 更改可能需要几个月的时间来处理,在您的新身份被批准之前,您不能开始您的课程. 豁免游客没有资格更改为任何其他非移民身份. Therefore, if you plan to come to the U.S. 为了学习,你必须持有F-1或J-1签证.